Questions that might reveal rigged specifications include:
- Do you know or suspect, or have you heard, that contract specifications are drafted to favor certain bidder?
- Have any competitors complained that the bidding specifications are too narrow or rigged to favor a certain bidder?
- Are any contract specifications drafted, in whole or part, by a contractor?
- Are contract specifications very similar to the product or services provided by a particular contractor?
- Does a particular contractor receive an unusually high percentage of the contracts awarded?
- Are specifications in certain requests for bids significantly narrower than other requests for similar products or services?
- Are a reasonable number of bids received in response to requests for bids, or only one or two?
- Did qualified contractors fail to bid?
- Do any bidders socialize or have personal contact with contracting personnel before or during the bidding process?
- Are controls and procedures to prevent rigged specifications in place and enforced?